海陆相互作用:利用地层对比和精细物源示踪等方法,研究新生代亚洲大陆边缘构造尺度的陆海相互作用;综合开展高分辨率层序地层与年代地层学研究,精细刻画第四纪冰期旋回的海陆相互作用过程与沉积记录;开展百年尺度河流入海物质通量和河口-陆架海沉积通量的定量研究,重点关注近百年来自然环境与人类活动双重因素驱动下,河控型大陆边缘沉积地貌和生态环境等的响应过程与发展趋势,为预防或减缓因人类过渡开发而导致海洋环境不可逆的变化。 RESEARCH INTERESTS
Coastal Sedimentology:Developing basic sedimentation models for interpreting ancient sedimentary deposits, particularly tidal deposits.
Paleotempestology:Developing long-term records of intense storms from sedimentary and documentary archives.
Quaternary Climate Change:Reconstruction of Late Quaternary environmental change by deciphering stratigraphic records, typically in the coastal and shelf regions.
Evolution history of Mega-river systems:Using detrital zircon chronology to trace the evolution history of mega-river systems from their source to the sink, especially the evolution of the Yangtze drainage basin since the Cenozoic India-Eurasia collision and the plateau uplift. |